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Friday, May 3, 2013


Luke's class is reading a new book about frogs. When I picked him up from school yesterday he was very excited to share his new found knowledge of frogs with me.

"Mom, did you know that when frogs are babies they don't have wegs yet? They have tails and they're called tampons."

"I think you mean tadpoles, sweetie. Baby frogs are called Tad-Poles."

The little professor disagreed with me until we finally settled on calling them "tad-puns."

Parenting is all about choosing your battles.


  1. Delightful.

    So glad you share these. They grow up too quickly.

    And does he have red hair? The world will not be safe. At least the female half. No. All of it.

    1. Ha! Thank you, Virginia! He DOES have red hair. Neither my husband, nor I do, but my sister does. That's where he gets it.
      PS: What they say about their temper is totally true!

  2. From this point on I'm calling all baby frogs "tad-puns"...bwhahaha! I love boys!
