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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

'Roid Rage

The boy and I are sick. Have I already written about this? If I have it doesn't matter because a new day has dawned- the day of 'roid rage. Keep in mind that this is unlike the "rhoid" rage I experienced after childbirth. This rage is a different beast all together.

I'm on day four of a six-day pack of steroids for Terminal, End-Stage Flu Disease (or the flu, for short). Historically speaking this is the day I sob for hours on end because my husband forgot to put a bendy straw in my drink, or because I can't locate my favorite camisole. I need that camisole.

Luke (4yrs old) has pneumonia and an ear infection. It may sound more serious than what I have, but then again he isn't missing his favorite article of comfort clothing and he CLEARLY has a bendy straw in his cup. I'll probably steal that straw.

The husband asked me to help him make a grocery list. Can you believe that? With ALL I have going on in my life he expects me to stop and make a grocery list. Because I'm awesome I mustered the energy to jot down a couple of items.

Luke's 'roid rage rivals my own. Even as I write this I can hear my husband wrestling him into the tub as Luke shouts, "I can be nekkid all day if I want to," and "That water better not touch me!" Steroids make him strong. I imagine it's like wrestling an alligator.

Poor Brantley is simply outmatched. I bet he feels like Sheryl Crow during her Lance Armstrong days. He just needs a safe place to go for a couple of days.


  1. Honey, I am right there with you. The whole family is freaking sick and the kids are scheduling their needs to I never get an effing break. How are you and I supposed to get better? Can we just go to a spa and come back next week????
    Good luck with the 'roids. I am glad it's not the other kind. They bring their own specific kind of rage.

    1. So true. How can we nap when we're in charge of finding EVERYONE'S belongings? "Sorry to wake you. Have you seen my wallet?"

  2. And shit is a real thing. I made a list in the Thanksgiving chaos that had "Regular" on it. Regular what? We'll never know.

    Feel better, Hulk.

  3. Could that be "naan bread," as in, my most favoritest part of going to an Indian restaurant? If you have naan bread on your shopping list, you either are planning a dinner party for your South Asian friends, or you eat way cooler stuff at your house than we do, and I want to come over.

  4. It IS!!! I just asked Brantley and he said it said, "Naan bread". Thanks for forcing me to communicate with my husband. And, it IS delicious. I feel like you should win something. If I had some confetti I'd throw it at you.
