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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bad Dreams

"You'll never get those sunglasses off." My niece, Ciara plainly stated.

"Yes, I will!" I tugged and tugged but they were stuck to my face with what seemed like industrial strength cement.

"Didn't you read the tag that came with them?" she asked. "It said guaranteed NOT to come off."

"I don't care what it said. I'm tired of wearing them," I shouted back.

I awoke from the dream with a start. The strange thing was, my arms actually felt tired. It was as if I had really struggled while I was dreaming. That's when I looked down and saw the nose splint that had previously been affixed to my freshly fractured and post-operative nose. It was resting in my hands, and my hands in my lap.

I jumped out of bed after realizing what I had done. "I ripped it off! I ripped it off!" I shouted. Brantley finally rolled over and removed his ear plugs. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

"I was dreaming, Brantley. I thought I was wearing sunglasses and I ripped it off like the freaking Incredible Hulk!"

He rolled BACK over. "You have the weirdest dreams."

All of this excitement occurred before 6:45 this morning. So now, we wait for my 9:30 appointment with the surgeon. Happy Wednesday.

1 comment :

  1. I hate those kind of dreams too! Hope things went well at the doctor.
    Hope things get better soon...(^_^)
