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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just Breathe

The Loripalooza well has been running a bit dry the last couple of weeks, and for that I apologize. I have had some personal business to attend to, including my septoplasty surgery one week ago. The surgery itself went well, but wound up being more extensive than the surgeon had first anticipated.

The doctor took cartilage from both of my ears to repair a section of my nose that had collapsed. He also corrected the septum, and removed a bone spur. But, the piez de resistance would be the intentional fracturing of three bones in my face. Part of me is now questioning why I paid money for this??

Luke and my Mom met us at the door when we arrived home from the hospital. As I should've expected, Luke summed up my appearance in three words. "Oh no! Spooky!" He cried as he buried his face in my mom's shirt. I wasted no time getting to bed where I remained for several days, arising only occasionally to socialize with my family. It was during one of these encounters than Luke demanded, "Takey off your mask, Mommy!"

"I wish I could, buddy, but I have some boo boos under there." I told him.

Luke is growing accustomed to my ghoulish appearance as quickly as the bruising and swelling fade away. I am now in 'hurry up and wait' mode as I eagerly anticipate the removal of the splints. I can't wait to try out my new sniffer, but it probably won't be for another week or so. Until then, I will just try to breath and enjoy the fact that my sh@! really doesn't stink.

Love, Rocky Dennis


  1. Oh my goodness...I think that being a nurse, you don't know how disturbing a pic like this is for the non-medical of us...

    I need to get one side of my nose built up with cartilage from my ear at some point. Now I'm not sure I can go through with it... :/

  2. Now I kinda feel bad. I need to put a disclaimer on there!

    The doctor did say that having to fracture the bones, is what made it so bad.

    Hopefully, in a couple of weeks I will say how glad I am that I went through with it. I will keep you posted.

  3. Well, you definitely look like your husband just beat your ***! Milk it for all its worth! Hope you get better soon!
