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Friday, October 29, 2010

You Can't Hide Crazy

I actually thought on Wednesday morning, "I wish I had something to write about." Lo and behold, the Lord doth provide manna from Heaven, because shortly after that thought, I received a picture message of my mother behaving badly from one of her cohorts. Off her meds and without a helmet. That's how my mother was caught behaving at school this week. This probably clears up any lingering questions you had about me. Now you know, it's genetic.

Now, truth be told, it was camou day at school and she was trying to prove that her lack of camouflage in no way handicapped her ability to blend in with her surroundings. In a way, she was right. Whatever the reason for her garden party, you have to admit that she makes a pretty cute butterfly bush.

Now, please do not contact me to ask me if my mom is using the bathroom in the photo, because A) it is crude and B) I was already told that, no she is not. I also don't want to know that I incorrectly diagnosed the foliage in which she is housed. I'm a lot of things, but a master gardener isn't one of them.

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